Saturday 20 August 2011

PHEW! walking driving. what a week!


Car suddenly pulls out in front of GRRR's van without using indicator. GRRR presses the breaks sharply to avoid an accident. Van screeches to a virtual halt. The car has POLICE emblazon on its sides.

GRRR: PHEW! Can you believe this realtor?


Car driver smirks, turns then speeds away. Once again, driver did not use the indicator.

GRRR: I wonder how the TWERP manage to get a driver's licence

GRRR catches police car at the traffic lights. The light changes to green but the car moves off a bit too slow for GRRR. Apparently, the driver was using a hp tablet. GRRR honks his horn. Car driver shoots him a dirty look. GRRR and ARGH grin.

GRRR is not amused when he finds himself behind the same car at the DRIVE THROUGH. To make matters worse, the car driver take a long time to place order.

GRRR honk the horn while ARGH shouts GET MOVING TWERP! Arrrrrgh!

CAR DRIVER: (defiantly) YOU have anger issues. You need to calm down!


Man wolf whistles at girl on the sidewalk.


MAN: You're looking fine

She is pretty dolled up and wearing a cute summer dress.

GIRL: (smiles) It's such great fun being a girl!

^^: HOOK! The old television is gone

++: DON’T LIE. You put it by the sidewalk less than an hour ago

^^: From my window, I watched as people ambled over the fallen tree to get their hands on it.

++: Brilliant!



Student watched from his window as neighbour reprimanded man who was washing the sidewalk with a hose. On her way back to her house, she saw student disapprovingly shaking his head at her. She said ‘GET LOST SCROUNGER.’

F:Did you curse her back?

S: She was bigger than me

F: How old?

S:About 63. quite rude. If I could afford it, I’d move out of this town

F:Don’t mind her. Probably lonely. So what was her problem?

S: Flooding the sidewalk, wasting water, WHO KNOWS! The poor man was apologising profusely, BUT WOULD SHE EVEN LISTEN?

F: Probably forget to take her medication. She should be happy that someone is getting rid of some of the dirt of the sidewalk. You just can’t please some people

S: You can repeat that again



++Something is smelling disgusting. I wonder if its the fish stall

**No. Its that mattress that SOMEONE just threw on the sidewalk

++Are you sure SYRIA?

**The owner died in bed from last week. They just find his body

++That's terrible, but they can't leave that mattress there


I miss you ALOT. You SAVE ME from the sidewalk's cold concrete, and help me better myself. I wish I could join you in heaven. I love you ALOT. My best lover, my powerball, you stay in my heart..


^^ (saying lyrics from Taylor Swift's Tonight, on the phone) - And I could wait patiently but, I really wish you would drop everything now, Meet me in the pouring rain, Kiss me on the sidewalk, Take away the pain, Cause I see sparks fly, Whenever you smile......

Parent strolling with child on sidewalk

Child: When are we going to el bulli, Mom?

Parent: In two weeks time. I told you already

Child: When tommorrow comes, will it be 2 weeks still?


Child: Two weeks takes a long time

Parent: It does

^^ (sings along to tune blaring from radio on the Sidewalk) - Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk , Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt , Because of you I try my hardest just to forget everything , Because of you I don't know how to let anyone else in , Because of you , I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty . Because of you.. I am afraid.....

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