Sunday 14 August 2011

Is it okay to text while walking?

A WOMAN is walking with a child. On several occasions, the child tries to take the woman's hand but the woman did not realize. She was writing a text. Shortly afterwards, the woman trips over a tree limb and fell. Dog walker rushes to her rescue.

Child: (screams)


Dog Walker:

Sorry to see you fall like that. Are you okay?


I am fine thanks. Just a small bruise on my arm. OUCH!

Dog Walker:

No need for surgery then

GRRR: (smiles)

Thank you DOC!I hate surgery... Your dog is cute, by the way.

Dog Walker:

Thanks. BART is an Alaskan Malamute


Please don't let it shxt on the sidewalk. As you can see, there are enough NUISANCES on the sidewalk.

Dog Walker:

Yesterday, I saved a pedestrian from being hit by a bus at Watkins Glen....Like you, she was sending a text while walking


OH SUGAR! I am sorry. I did not mean to act like an axxhole. And thanks for helping me. You are truly the sidewalk's angel.

Dog Walker:

You could have hurt yourself more. You were so caught up in writing the text, you missed the child's hand several times. How would you feel if someday you reach for her hand, but she failed to notice because she is busy looking after herself or even just writing a text?


I feel awful. I'm sorry. (to child)I am sorry honey. (kisses child)

Dog Walker:

As pedestrians we have to be aware of our sorroundings and ENSURE that we do not inconvenience one another in any way. I ALWAYS CLEAN UP after my dog. YOU should STOP writing texts while walking. And if you do the same when you drive, that is even more dangerous


You're pretty sidewalk-wise. Thank you for the reprimand.

Dog Walker:

You live and learn sister. Believe it or not, I used to write texts ALL THE TIME while using the sidewalk


Really! What made you stop? Did you get too old for texting?

Dog Walker:

(laughs) Not at all...I was busy texting when I walked straight into another pedestrian. Surprisingly, he was not angry. HE WAS TEXTING ALSO

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