Friday 19 April 2013

bomb-ass, diabetic-harmonious raw salad

Electricity on the sidewalk has been switched off while crucial re-surfacing takes place. Check out the news on CNN. Consequently, the sidewalk Sidewalk Cafe will be - OPEN, still. Perhaps, the sidewalk diaspora will suffer contractions when it learn of the cafe's totally new lunch menus. Raw salads. What the hell!

That's right. No FLIPPING desserts or puddings in the near future. All that heat was driving the sidewalk playboy, Andy, MAD. The time is ripe for change; a new diet. Time to start eating onions as if they are apples; apples as if they are pastries. It should be super easy to convert the sidewalk's pastry lovers.

Psy whistles showily as he sweeps the sidewalk. No doubt, CLEAN eating is the way forward; totally raw. Time to change the sidewalk's palete from pastries to real food - OMG - totally raw!
Besides, using just human energy to create raw salads, is more cost effective than baking with electricity. Ovens and stoves have been replaced by new kitchen appliances; cutting boards, Mandolin, sharp knives, spoons and bowls.

Right now, the sidewalk playboyy, Andy, is preparing today's bomb-ass, diabetic-harmonious special. Here are the key ingredients; (inexpensive organic) - Lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, carrots, peppers and onions, garlic, cucumber, orange-colored bell pepper, summer squash and asparagus.

Andy slices vegetabeles very thinly with mandolin. In a large bowl, he mixes olive oil and lemon juice into a creamy consistency. Then he sprinkles liquid with black pepper, and paprika. No FLIPPING salt. Finally, he pour the dressing over the salad. Let it chill until serving time in an hour.

The Sidewalk Cafe smells - vegetable-like but the resulting taste is crunchy, savory, colorful and awesome. Yummy! From now on, the sidewalk diaspora will be begging the sidewalk playboy for more... RAW SALADS.


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