Friday 11 May 2012

Not an illustrious find at all

Sidewalk chums, Birdman, David and Hollande are gleeful. They find soemthing on the sidewalk which looks quite illustrious. A small box with 20 sets of rusty keys. Each key has a label; 1-Lord and Saviour, 2- The Moon, 3-Stockings, 4-Absorption, 5-Candice, 6-My Husband, 7-Self-esteem, 8-Asparagus, 9-Domino table, 9-Vinegar, 10-Rabbit tooth, 11-Raincoat, 12-A sword, 13-a nightmare, 14-A challenge, 15-Human intestine, 16-Coriander, 17-A sunrise, 18-Big toe....

Hollande:(points at small box lying on sidewalk)

LOOK! It MUST be jewellery inside the box. I wander who lost it. (looks around curiously)


WHO CARES? We are rich! Tired of landlords and sharing house with strangers, Tired of feeling like DREGS


 ....No offence Birdman, but I'm tired of walking up and down the sidewalk behind you, like a darn BIRDBRAIN. The time is ripe for a scooter. It seems our breakthrough has finally come, David. So grin all you want


 Calm down guys. Lets go over to the bench and see what's inside


WHAT THE HELL? A bunch of keys with name tags? ugh!


This name tags are weird....A SWORD, THE MOON, CORIANDER, ABSORPTION...

Hollande: A SUNRISE, Big toe....


VINEGAR?... DOMINO TABLE....I bet the owner is CRAZY


What we gonna do with it?


I have a feeling this could bring us bad-luck. Let is THROW IT IN THE BIN


 Are you mad? That's what will bring us bad luck. Someone has to keep it. NOT ME!


Me neither:

David: well, that was not my idea

Birdman: I know it's naughty


 Let's hear it...we'll be the judge of that

 Birdman: Let's bring back the neighbour's piece of board, then leave this THING there as well


That's very naughty.


I like it. Let them deal with it


 It's better that way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- please LIKE please FOLLOW please follow SIDEWALK LOOKS

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